Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Let's Stay In For Dinner, And See A Movie

Friday night two of my friends from high school and their wives came over for dinner. I cooked up some chicken parm, pasta, and a big old salad. Nothing fancy, but it was pretty tasty, if I do say so myself.

One of my friends and his wife are both teachers, and they live about 40 minutes outside of Boston. They tend to just take the summer off, as opposed to doing another job, which sounds awesome. It is similar to the position I am in now, that of being able to sit on my ass in August, but better. They know this is what they are supposed to be doing, and that work will start up again exactly when it is supposed to. I, on the other hand, am not 100% relaxed in this summer vacation mode I'm in. I definitely have a little bit of future-anxiety going on. Not enough to drive me crazy, but enough to color my dreams a bit. More of a nuisance than anything, really. But I digress....

My other friend is a medical resident. His wife also works for the hospital system. They live in Jamaica Plain, home of the JP Licks ice cream company. They were both off Friday, so they took the time to bake brownies for us. Nice. Few things in this world are as good as home-made brownies.

Dinner was nice. We drank a lot of wine. Talked a lot. Then we all watched Donnie Darko. Pegg and I had it out on Netflix, and had watched it a few days prior. None of our guests had seen it, and we had been planning another viewing before we returned it, so it worked out well. After the movie we watched the deleted scenes, and talked about the film a bit. These are all smart folks, so it was a good conversation.

This was our first crack at "entertaining" since we bought a dining room table and chairs. It felt good to have dinner guests, and pretend we were all grown up.


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