Monday, June 14, 2004

Weekend Redux

So the weekend went off pretty much as planned. The Champy family showed up around 8:00pm on Friday night. I got to play with Marumi a little bit, though I have to say she was none too interested in the awesome dog toys I had for her -- a tennis ball and a roll of packing tape. We caught up for a bit, had a beer or two, then headed out to Mr. & Mrs. Vegas' place.

Mrs. Vegas had whupped up a nice dinner, which we consumed along with lots and lots of pinot noir. That was the theme wine for the night, pinot noir from California or Oregon. We started with six bottles for the five of us. After dinner we decided to adjourn to their roofdeck, and somehow were almost done with the wine, so another two bottles were opened. I'm not even sure why, but some whiskey also made it into the picture as well. Suffice it to say, by 3am we were all spent. It's a good thing we didn't seriously consider the talk of going to Atlantic City that was going on at about 2am. Good thing.

Saturday we had promised Fleabag and Rinweeney that we would get to their place at 1:00 to help with the kegs for their party. So I woke up reasonably early, because I had to run to Brother's apartment first to feed his cat Felix. I cooked some breakfast for the Champy's, and then ran out. Brother's cat apparently loves the little fireplace, and was covered in soot when I got there. Very cute, but very much a pain in the ass. I tried to clean him off a little bit, but to no avail. Given that I am allergic to cats, and this bugger has claws, I was not about to try dunking him in the sink, though that would have done the trick.

Got back to my place in time to round up the Champy's and head down to the party. We were a little behind schedule, and got there at 1:30. They had already moved the kegs in, so I really felt like an asshole. Never figured that 1:00 meant 1:00. Not with any one I am friends with anyway.... So, we got to hang out early and graze on all the food they were putting out. Mr. Keane and P-Diddy were there early too, so it was fun to all hang out. Then the party got underway, and for the next ten hours basically (wow!) we just sat outside drinking beer, talking, and eating grilled meat. Mr. & Mrs. Vegas dropped by, Boom Boom showed up, and we all had fun. Not to mention that this couple was there with the cutest baby on the planet. This was the happiest, most chill one year old I have ever seen. So much fun to play with other people's kids. Later, Champy ran back to my apartment to get Marumi, because she had been in the apartment for about her limit of staying alone, and he brought her back to the party. It was fun to watch her "play" with the three other dogs there. Wasn't pretty, but wasn't terrible either. I think another couple of hours together and they would all have been friends.

We packed it in from the party about midnight. Went back to my place, and crawled into bed. Long day. And I had to wake up early on Sunday to catch a train to Long Island for my cousin's HS graduation party. Nothing better than waking up early on Sunday after you have been out like a rock star both Friday and Saturday nights. I haven't done double-duty rock star living in the longest time. So the morning was rough.

Mom and Dad picked me up at the train station. Got to drive for about an hour, in the back seat, with Dad's slightly erratic driving. Can you say "car sick"? I knew you could. I was never happier to arrive at a suburban parking lot in my life.

The party was nice. Lots of family and friends there, though I was the only one representing from Gen-X. Brother was away with his fiance, so they couldn't come, and Pegg was away with her girlfriends. Still, it was nice. Then Mom and Dad realized that we weren't far from JFK, and Brother's flight was due in around 4:30, so we decided to surprise him and pick him up. It was great for us, because we love to see Brother, but I'm not sure how thrilled he was to deal with all three of us at once after a trip. Either way, he put on a good show, and seemed happy. ;-) We all drove into the city, grabbed a bite together, and then went back to our respective homes.

And yes, I was home in time for Six Feet Under.


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