Friday, April 16, 2004

Vocab Spam

I just started getting the weirdest spam to my Hotmail account. The From: names look like regular people, but the subject line and body are just lists of words. Like free-association spam. Sometimes there is a link embedded for a discount pharmaceutical company. Sometimes there is a coherent sentence embedded. But they all contain the most random sequences of words. Check it out:

    From : Lelia Mccord
    Sent : Friday, April 16, 2004 4:25 PM
    To : "Afrahms"
    Subject : resentful duquesne bolshevik hindrance clutch illegitimacy adulate corbel baklava dexter hollywood firestone marsh hashish denmark doolittle halverson clandestine constituent

    Here is the answer to what you've been looking for..

    heuristic menhaden flathead haddock goody incapacitate cumulus coroutine antaeus
    flop conceptual fantasia firepower fontaine arrack circumcise considerate creak
    clamber dapple advisory deface

    grosvenor guarantee oaf battleground inaptitude didactic kibbutzim brennan seaboard hornblower fictitious children fat crescent mulct lawman diamond

That's some weird shit. If I ever have a band, I might name it grosvenor guarantee oaf battleground inaptitude didactic kibbutzim brennan seaboard hornblower fictitious children fat crescent mulct lawman diamond just for kicks.


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