Thursday, March 25, 2004

Liar liar pants on fire

So I'm a big fat hairy liar. I've taken to reading the bulletin board on Gothamist, and will post myself now and then. One of the posts was titled Blogs are for attention hounds?, and talked about how blogging in general is egotistical and vain. I thought I'd throw my two cents in (as I am prone to do in life) and stated:

    "To me, a blog is simply a diary or journal, evolved. In the past, when I have tried to keep a journal, I have always failed dismally. It required sitting down, finding the book, grabbing a pen, and writing. My blog, however, is much more accessible to me. I spend so much time in front of a computer. I am used to writing "mind-dump" style from emailing for years. So far it's a much more natural fit for me than a traditional journal. (though it is very new still) And so far my blog has been anonymous, and mostly private. (It is accessible, but I do not plan to publicize the URL at all.) I am aware when I write, however, that someone _might_ be reading it. This gives a more human feel to the proverbial "Dear Diary" sense that we have when we write into a private, locked book. So in a sense I feel that it is a private and personal outlet for me, and the fact that there might be some audience simply affects the tone and style of my writing.

    Does this make any sense at all?"

This was two days ago.

Since then, I have been adding to this little blog here, bit by bit, and have had a few readers. (I can tell from comments and the sitemeter stats.) Knowing that I have had some readers has made this seem more real to me, and less secretive and internal.

Anyway, here I was waiting for a task to finish at work, blog-surfing. I came across an entry on someone's site that I thought I'd comment on. Next thing I know, there's a comment on his site, left by me, with the URL: portion filled out. Shameless. I couldn't keep this to myself. Had to drop my pissant little URL onto his comment board.

Damn! Is that my tush burning??


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