Wednesday, April 14, 2004


Feel like crap. Little sore throat coming on, maybe with a fever for a chaser. Awesome.

Last night was fun. Met with my boss for drinks after work to talk about relocating. He is not thrilled about the idea, but he understands. There's been a lot going on at work lately, and more than one person in our group has been causing problems for him, so I am trying to be as reasonable as possible about things. I want him to understand that I have no issue with him, or the group, or the work, or the job. It's just time for me to hang my hat elsewhere. (Or really, to watch TV elsewhere...) I think he appreciates my friendship and loyalty, and will hopefully go to bat for me. The first step already happened today, when he spoke to his boss about it. His boss (yes, my boss's boss) was not thrilled with the idea, but ultimately agreed to explore options. So on to the next step - his boss. (Yes, my boss's boss's boss!) Can we say management structure??

After the meeting with my boss I went to my book club. We had read Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. I had finished it a while ago, but we never got together until last night. It was fun. Only three others showed up. But they are nice, and they had interesting things to say. Sadly I was running late because of the meeting with my boss, and I had dinner plans for after the book club, so I didn't get to talk to them for too much time. But a discussion about this book does not require that much time. :-P

On to the goodbye dinner for one of the 1231 boys. It was funny. Without knowing about this blog, he spontaneously did a "tvelve sirty-vun? you're dat preecise?" at the dinner table. Cracked me up. Anyway, he is headed out of the country for work for the next two years. Just passing through town last night, so a couple of us met up for some Indian food and some beers at a dirty hipster bar. I didn't appreciate the dirty looks from the dirty hipsters, but I did appreciate the cheap beer, so we'll call it a wash. These so-called hipsters are so silly. It's hard to express how hard they try to look like they don't try at all. Then they judge me because I am wearing a tie. Idiots.

And now I feel like shit.


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