Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Books (or why size doesn't matter)

So I decided to add a booklist to my sidebar. I have no desire to list other blogs I read, because for the most part I read the same ones you do. Nor do I have any desire to share my list of links, because for the most part I surf pretty standard, popular sites. Would me providing a link to the New York Times bring them any new readers? Funny thought. My booklist, though, is at least somewhat unique. Mainstream as my selections might be, the exact selections, and the order in which I choose to read them, is at least something that might prove interesting. Regardless, I thought it would be good for me to keep track.

Confession time. Multiple confessions.

1. I am not as much of a reader as the list might make you think. The list is long because I can never remember what I've read, so I went over to the bookshelf, and decided to list off everything that I had read in the last year or two. Just to get the list started.

2. I fudged the order. Besides the most recent few (Angels and Demons, Wind-Up Bird, Basket Case, etc...) I have no clue when I read which book. I think the order is a good approximation. And that's close enough for a little list on a little blog.

3. I chose to read Bridget Jones's diary of my own free will and accord. My girlfriend did not push it on me. Truth.


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