Friday, March 19, 2004

Hello World

Wow. My blog. All this anticipation, and suddenly writer's block. You know, I tried something like this a few years ago. Got into a little web-design through work and decided I would make my own website, just to keep the skills sharp. I knew I would be constantly updating it, keeping it fresh. There was no limit to the number of slick web things I could learn and try. So I did it. I registered a domain. I found a low-cost hosting solution. And then (like now) I got stuck. What the hell was I supposed to put on my website? My bio? Fascinating. My resume? Equally as captivating. Pictures? Of what - my sink full of dirty dishes or the dustballs under my bed? Then it hit me. I could post my thoughts. Rambles. Musings. To quote my girlfriend - "he'll talk to a rock". So I would always have something to say. That was it. Genius. Great idea. And this was 2001, so I was on the bleeding edge. If someone had used the word blog back then, I would have thought they were referring to some Star Trek alien, or some random new board game. There it was. My website, and only some FTP commands standing between me and the world. So what did I do with it? I posted two anecdotes. And then I let it start to collect dust. It's in my closet right now collecting dust actually. Right between my rollerblades and the busted VCR I was going to fix. But this isn't that website. This is a blog. This is my blog. And my blog is already at 50% the productivity of that website of mine.


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