Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Blogs for idiots?

After looking at my last post, it occurred to me that it was long. Well, long for a blog.

Why are most blog entries so short? Surely people have more to say than a few scant lines on each topic. Is their time limited, and they are sneaking in entries on the fly (like this one...)? Or are they catering to the blogging generation's short attention span? The latter is my most likely suspicion. This whole medium is full of short little snippets of information. Some blogs are news digests. Others are foodie digests. Yet others are mind digests. Why not share more? Go in-depth with opinion and thought?

If I were to write a super long entry, would anyone bother to read it? (Will anyone actually bother to read this?) Or is there some limit to how involved we are willing to get when it comes to leisure-time web reading?

Bite of irony for the day: my short entry on short entries.


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