Thursday, May 27, 2004

Spring is here and love is in the air

One of my oldest friends in the world came over last night with his new girlfriend. We grew up around the corner from each other, and have been friends since about nursery school age. We don't see each other that often, but we'll call or email every now and then. I know that I could count on him for anything, and he should know the same of me.

Anyway, when it comes to girls he is one of the pickiest people I know. He makes Seinfeld look like a sweetheart. Too short. Too tall. Not pretty. Too pretty. Too smart. Too dumb. Too cold. Too affectionate. You get the idea.

When he told me he was seeing someone, and wanted me to meet her, I knew it was serious. He was introduced to her by a mutual friend, and they've been seeing each other for a month.

They were having dinner in my neighborhood, and stopped by after. We talked for a bit, watched Fantasia win on Idol, then talked some more. And they squeezed in some footsie and hand holding in between. That's right. Footsie. I know he's hooked.

After they left, and he was in the car on his way home, he called me. "So? What did you think?" My answer: "Keeper."

I'm very excited for him.


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