Wednesday, May 19, 2004

More weekend fun

Caught the 5:40 train to Boston again this past Friday. Surprise, surprise it was 20 minutes late. Again.

Train ride was decent. Worked on my resume. Watched The Big Lebowski. Classic film, highly recommended to those who haven't seen it. Listened to some music. 4 hours later I was in Boston.

Girlfriend picked me up at the station and we headed back to her place. Passed by a small carnival that was still open (this was about 10:20pm) and decided to check it out. Not much was going on there, but they had a roundup ride, so we had to go on it. Hadn't been on one in years. Brought back a lot of memories. Sadly we were not nearly as unfazed by it as the two 10-year-olds who were on at the same time. It was still fun.

The only other thing we did at the carnival was play one game. They had a cork-gun game, where you had to try to shoot soda cans or zippos. You put a cork in the muzzle of the air gun, pump the gun, and shoot. $2 for unlimited shots. If you knock a can down on its shelf, you win a teeny prize. (This is why you get unlimited shots. Everyone wins at least the teeny prize.) If you knock a can back off its shelf, you get something better. If you knock a zippo down on its shelf you also get a teeny prize. If you knock a zippo off its shelf, you get whatever is taped to it. Some of the zippos had $5 bills taped to them, and some had the word "jumbo" on them. Knocking a jumbo zippo off the shelf got you choice of jumbo prizes.

I was playing for Girlfriend. Had to at least try for the jumbo. I corked the gun, and took aim at a "jumbo" zippo. Missed. I cork again. Take aim. BLAM. Zippo knocked-the-fuck off its shelf. Ok, maybe it wasn't that dramatic. But it was pretty cool. Girlfriend got a big stuffed Patrick and I got to feel like a manly man for winning it for her. Manlier yet for winning it with a toy cork gun.

Saturday morning we woke up to help Girlfriend's parents prep for a barbecue they were having that day. We got to skewer some things, and make some hamburger patties. Then we got to enjoy a bit of their BBQ before heading out to another party. The younger sister of one of Girlfriend's friends from high school just graduated, and they were having a graduation party for her. So we headed over there, with some baked brie that we cooked up for them. I think Girlfriend's parents' guests were bummed when they saw us make the baked brie, then take it out of the oven and bail with it. I know I'd be bummed if someone dangled some baked brie goodness under my nose and then absconded with it.

The graduation party was fun. Lots of good food, lots of nice people, lots of cute little kids running around, and great weather. Plus they had Corona, which always makes me happy. Between the two parties we ate way too much. Went back to Girlfriend's place, and her parents' guests were still there! We had enough of other people for the day, so we holed up in her room and watched tv until they were gone. Then we went downstairs, somehow managed enough appetite for the Klondike bars we found in the freezer, and watched more TV. Thankfully a couple of Umpa Lumpas were on hand to roll us up to bed.

Sunday we headed out to do some errands for the new place in Boston. Girlfriend's parents wanted us to eat leftovers from their BBQ for breakfast. I couldn't even look at a burger, let alone eat one for breakfast. So we politely declined, and had some ham and toast instead. Then we went on our way, erranding the day away.

We grabbed lunch at the nicest TGI Friday's I have ever seen. I'm not kidding. The place must be brand new. They've gotten all fancy on me. Well, fancier than ever. Plus the proportion of Star Wars swag on the walls was awesome. Intact Millenium Falcon. Darth Vader action figure carrying case. C-3PO head. Hoth snowspeeder. Awesome Friday's swag. Good lunch.

We erranded some more, and then made it back to the house in time for me to pack up and for us to grab some dinner with Girlfriend's dad. Then off to the train, and back to NYC. Fun weekend.


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