Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Are we really this stupid?

This business about abuse of Iraqi prisoners by American troops is killing me. It's one thing that we invaded without real justification. (Yes, I know that all involved will ultimately be better off, but that is not a justification....) Once the war was a reality, I was ok with the idea that we did topple a horrible regime, and would eventually bring democracy and stability to the country. But part of the reason I was ok with the whole thing was because of my "holier-than-thou" view of how WE do business. How WE treat enemies and civilians in enemy territory with respect. I have visions of the WWII GIs being welcomed into European towns with waves and smiles. Our troops are supposed to represent America, freedom, democracy, and most of all HOPE.

Now here we are, exposed to the world as a bunch of animals. Torturing and humiliating prisoners lowers us to their level. The only way we could have put a good spin on this invasion in the eyes of the world was to have acted with the utmost respect and professionalism. How can we scorn the behavior of dictators and terrorists when some of our own troops are no better? This hurts me as an American. It is shameful and embarrassing.

We have smart missiles for a reason. We have tactical teams for a reason. We aim to conduct our operations with absolute precision. Why? To reduce the risk of civilian casualties. To wage war in the most humane way possible. Can war ever truly be humane? No. But we like to tell the world that we take the moral high road. Or at least we did....

Wars are inevitable, I know this. I am not a pacifist by any means. War is a part of humanity. It is a necessary evil, that sometimes turns out for the best. American independence. Ending the Nazi juggernaut. There are, however, rules of engagement. There are measures to be taken to limit atrocity. It seems sadly that our own forces are losing sight of what they are out there to represent. It should mean something to be an American soldier. The job should be performed with dignity, professionalism, and respect. It saddens me that some of our troops have lost sight of this fact. It saddens me that the behavior of a few misguided troops has tarnished any good that could have come from this war, and has tranished the memory of fallen US troops. Fallen troops who were professional and respectful, I'm sure.


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